Date of report 28 Jul 2020
Reported case interaction between
Rilpivirine and Chlorpromazine
Rilpivirine and Chlorpromazine

Drugs suspected to be involved in the DDI
Complete list of drugs taken by the patient
Chlorpromazine 150 mg, Trazodone 225 mg, Bisoprolol 3.75 mg, Spironolocatone 100 mg, Pantoprazole 20 mg, Calcium carbonate 1000 mg, Furosemide 25 mg, Beclometasone/Formeterol, Atorvastatin 20 mg, Colecalciferol
Clinical case description
HIV/HBV/HCV coinfected patient on long-term HAART with good immunovirological status (CD4 562, HIV RNA not detectable, HBV DNA not detectable), and on SVR after treatment for HCV with DAAs. He is suffering from compensated liver cirrhosis (Child A), recurrent pancreatitis, hypertension, coronary artery disease (acute MI with coronary stent), asthma, and personality disorder/depression. Despite possible QT prolongation by chlorpromazine/trazodone and rilpivirine, cQT was <450 ms in the follow up. In addition, the patient showed sustained virological suppression despite continued use of pantoprazole/rilpivirine (RPV Ctrough 55 ng/mL; reference 67±30 ng/ml).
Clinical Outcome
Editorial Comment
University of Liverpool Recommendation